Saturday, 19 May 2012

Back on the rails.

I've been away from this for a while now. Just how life works for myself. With the madness of university work and i've just managed to nearly get my dream job (train driver!). So stuff is still quite busy but I had a craving to check out Dukey's Railway again.

Usually after such a time away I come back thinking ugh! But I actually opened it up to be quite happy with the work i'd achieved! So lets keep at it.

The route is pretty much finished in the first segment (Bowery - Hopkins End). So I was mainly working on schedules and paths before life took over. As i've been away from it I can look at it in a different eye and make some tweaks before continuing and making some activities :)

Here's some shots of me checking the railway out after a 2 month absence. Sometimes you just fancy a drive.
You may notice a new arrival!

Tornado choose Dukey's Railway as its location for trials.